Jack Black is an actor and singer, who's supporting us for quite some time now. He's wearing our tees and creating awareness for us since 2020. LOVE!

Boring Friends x Wulan (11)

Jack Black's 2024 T-shirt

Canadian artist Boring Friends teamed up with 11 year old Wulan from Indonesia to design this fantastic T-shirt. All proceeds will benefit Wulan's school.

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Yeye Weller x Face This

Jack Black's 2022 T-shirt

For this artwork German artist Yeye Weller made use of a set of drawings which was made by the students of the Duduk Atas school at Senggigi. All proceeds were used to give the school a water storage system. And on top of it an awesome playground and toilets.

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Zuzanna Rogatty x Kartini (10)

Jack Black's 2021 T-shirt

Hawaiian based artist Zuzanna Rogatty got to collab with Kartini (9) from Senggigi. The funds the tee raised was being used to improve Kartini's school.

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Jamie Browne x Gia (12)

Jack Black's 2020 T-shirt

Australian Volcom artist Jamie Browne collabed with surfer girl Gia (12) from Lombok. Their T-shirt raised funds for Gia's school which was heavily damaged by the earthquakes of 2018.

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