Artist Areeba Siddique About Her Collab With Taufan (10) From Lombok

Artist Areeba Siddique About Her Collab With Taufan (10) From Lombok

Boriana Heim

Areeba Siddique is an artist who keeps culture close & religion closer. She loves reading and writing. She makes art, studies art and thinks art is very important. She sometimes does embroidery, as well as illustrate, design and doodle a lot.

For the Face This x WePresent T-shirt collection, Areeba Siddique designed a T-shirt together with Taufan (10) from Lombok, Indonesia. All proceeds will be used to get Taufan’s school a computer studio, so the school can fight digital illiteracy.

Joyful moment

Areeba Siddique tells us about her first reaction, when she received Taupan’s drawing. “It was such a joyful moment. Taufan’s drawing reflected his innocence and the playfulness he looks at the world with. It also cheered me up and reminded me of the time when I would allow myself to make art with no care in the world. It was definitely like meeting my younger artist self.”

Thousands of miles apart

How did Areeba Siddique experience collaborating with Taupan? “It was so much fun! I was given two of Taufan’s drawings and I took multiple elements from each to make the final drawing. It was like playing a puzzle with Taufan, even when we’re thousands of miles apart.”

Having fun

Is there anything she wants to say to Taupan? Areeba Siddique: “I’ll tell Taufan that I hope he’s having fun playing football with his friends and I pray that they all get to go back to a beautiful and functional school soon.”

Areeba Siddique x Face This

When wearing the Areeba Siddique x Taufan T-shirt you contribute to Taufan’s school. So get one now!

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Out Now:

The Alex Proba x Face This collab with Rozi (17) from Lombok is out now! Get yours now and contribute to their school on Gili Asahan, Lombok.

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