Darul Funun, Java

Darul Funun, Java

Boriana Heim

After meeting with the principal to discuss his visionary plan we knew we had to support him to realize his dream

Darul Funun

In February 2013 we visited the Darul Funun school for the very first time. Located in the hills in the Bogor area on the island of Java this school is run by the visionairy principal Pak Saffarudin. This dedicated teacher and head of the school had a dream. With his elementary school he provides the kids of the Tangkil village with a basic education. But after they finish and leave the school, most of the kids are sent to work or get married. That’s because middle school, as opposed to elementary school, is not free.

What was needed?

That’s why the principal wanted to build a free of charge middle school. A place where the kids can continue their educational development and get a legal certificate to get a better job or access to higher education. After meeting with the principal to discuss his visionary plan we knew we had to support him to realize his dream. That’s why all the proceeds of the tees were used to build this school. So everybody who wears our tees can be a part of the development of the kids of Tangkil.

Funded 10.000,-

At the 2nd of December 2013 we started the construction of the new middle school in Bogor. And in nearly one and a half month, the new middle school of Mr. Saparduin was finished. We visited the school and right now children from the village of Tangkil are able to continue their education after they finished their elementary school. It will accommodated around 70 students at a ratio of 35 students each class. Besides functioning as a high school the building might be used for other social activities such as: social welfare/free medication services, religious activities, children’s playground or other things that could provide positive benefits for local people.

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The Alex Proba x Face This collab with Rozi (17) from Lombok is out now! Get yours now and contribute to their school on Gili Asahan, Lombok.

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