Artist Martcellia Liunic Designs T-shirts With Indonesian Child

Artist Martcellia Liunic Designs T-shirts With Indonesian Child

Boriana Heim

Artist Martcellia Liunic is an illustrator, art director and visual artist living and working in Jakarta, Indonesia. Known for her colorful, whimsical animal creatures, girls characters and doodle-like body of works. She works on gouache, acrylics and different mediums like murals, risography and wearables. She’s the creator of LIUNIC ON THINGS an art based studio that focused on art to wear and fashion items for the connoisseur of cute. Liunic started her illustration career in 2015 and has handled various clients and collaborations such as Google, Netflix, Youtube, Samsung, Snapchat, Harper’s Bazaar, and Aqua to name a few.

For the Face This x WePresent T-shirt collection, Martcellia Liunic designed a T-shirt together with Shafa (8) from Lombok, Indonesia. All proceeds will be used to get Shafa’s school a computer studio, so the school can fight digital illiteracy.

Signature drawings

Martcellia Liunic tells us about her first reaction, when she received Shafas drawing. “The drawings were so cute, and it reminds me of my childhood when we used to draw the legendary two mountains and the sea. It is like the signature drawings of the kids in Indonesia.”

Feels fun

How did Martcellia Liunic experience collaborating with Shafa? Just like almost every artist who gets to work with the Indonesian school kids from our schools, Martcellia was stoked about Shafa’s drawing. “Feels fun and freeing!”


Is there anything she wants to say to Martcellia? “Hi Shafa, Thank you for being so patient waiting for your school to be rebuilt. Love your drawings and I also love satay! Lombok is one of my fav places in Indonesia, hope I can come there soon! Take care always!”

Martcellia Liunic x Face This

When wearing the Martcellia Liunic x Shafa T-shirt you contribute to Kartini’s school. So get one now!

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Out Now:

The Jo Strangford x Face This collab with Alfa (8) and Yaoma (9) from Lombok is out now! Get yours now and contribute to their school on Gili Asahan, Lombok.

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